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And here it goes, the final blog post for English 105.091. Thinking about it, it’ll be weird not logging onto zoom every Tuesday and Thursday and listening to Paul and working on peer feedback in our breakout rooms (The Four Seasons is by far the best group) but I am excited about what next semester will bring. As the semester is wrapping up, students are finishing their final projects, studying for final exams, and preparing to head home for the holidays. Personally, I am excited to have completed my first semester in college, especially through the circumstances forced upon our community by COVID-19. This experience has taught me the ability to adapt when presented with an unexpected circumstance.


The end of the semester has been bitter-sweet, as well as relieving as students are beginning to feel excitement for winter break with their families and finalizing their last work for their classes (which believe me, the great majority of students have been stressing over). These concerns and feelings were addressed in our class check-in, which we began every class with this semester. Then, Paul shared an interesting story with the class, which we had all been counting down the days to the last class in order to hear it. Trust me, the wait was worth it. Then, we proceeded to reflect on our Unit Project Threes to close up the unit.


First off, we wrote a reflection in a forum speaking on our strengths and concerns about the project as a whole, as well as give some feedback to Paul about the class. Then, we went into our breakout rooms to speak about a couple last touches on our unit projects, but my group had already submitted their final drafts of their projects. We just spent our last breakout room session talking about next semester and everyone’s final exams, which I believe helped everyone’s stress levels in a positive manner. We then proceeded to return to the class and Paul summarized take-aways for us and recapped about the class’ goals for the semester. When reviewing the goals, I feel that I reached all of the goals and I am sure all of my classmates feel the same way.


The close of the semester ended three and a half months of growth and improvement in the subjects we covered during this course. In English 105 we learned how to write in different disciplines such as the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, the Humanities, and Business (if you chose to go through Paul’s business writing resources). I am extremely grateful for Paul’s instruction in these different disciplines as this class laid the foundation for the different styles of writing I will be using throughout my academic and professional careers. Also, we learned the practices of a professional presentation and video editing, which are two skills we will also use in our future careers. I would like to extend a major thank you to Paul and my fellow classmates for creating a great learning environment in abnormal times and for a wonderful semester! Remember, it’s always a Great Day To Be A Tar Heel.


Featured Image Reference

“People Celebrating. Young Men and Women Dance at Celebration..” 123RF, Accessed 20 Nov. 2020.

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