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Welcome to ENGL 105, Sections 079 and 091, Writing at the Research University! 

In this course, undergraduate students at UNC-Chapel Hill will investigate how writing works across the disciplines at the research university (specifically the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities). They work to discover how different disciplines frame research questions, evaluate evidence, and make knowledge claims. In order to accomplish the objectives set for this course, students cannot think about writing as merely an assignment that satisfies a list of requirements to achieve a grade. Thinking about writing only as a means to this end renders it artificial, solitary, and static.

Instead, the course pushes students to view writing as dynamic and problem-based. In this class, students participate in writing activities that call upon them to think about and place themselves in realistic rhetorical situations. Their writing becomes dynamic by actively responding to practical situations common to academic communities and engaging with those communities. They are encouraged to view their writing, and themselves as writers, as works in progress. This course is more than a series of essays for grades; it is a progression of encounters with rhetorical situations and genres that prepares students to be effective writers and communicators in college and in their professional lives after college.

This site is designed for Sections 079 and 091 of English 105 for the fall 2020 semester, taught by Paul Blom at UNC-Chapel Hill. The site is intended to showcase students’ final drafts of each of their unit projects from across the semester. Additionally, at least one student from each course section will post to our course blog each week, reflecting on the week’s material and work. To read the weekly reflections of students in section 079, click here. To read the weekly reflections of students in section 091, click here.

Please explore the site, visit the course’s online syllabus, read about the students, and contact me if you have additional questions.

To see the students’ work in a specific unit/discipline (Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, or Humanities), choose the appropriate category in the “Categories” drop-down menu or visit that particular page on the site.

For other information, you are also encouraged to view the Course Blog Post Assignment Prompt or the extra credit assignment prompt on Writing in Business.

Thank you for your time and consideration!



Wrapping up Our Final Week and the End of the Semester

And here it goes, the final blog post for English 105.091. Thinking about it, it’ll be weird not logging onto zoom every Tuesday and Thursday and listening to Paul and working on peer feedback in our breakout rooms (The Four … Read more

Grand Finale

It’s been a fun ride, everyone! From our first meeting on August 11th, to the last day of class yesterday, we’ve made a lot of progress as a class. Just 3 months ago, we were introducing ourselves and sharing our … Read more

Our Final Week Together

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have made it to the end. Tuesday the 17th marked our last class together and it was the last day of classes for everyone. This week has been incredibly stressful with all of our final projects … Read more

Paul Blom’s SAMLA Conference Panel

In the SAMLA Conference Panel 09-12, Paul Blom and co-host Desire Ameigh lead a panel titled “Scandalous Profession(al)s: Sovereignty, Authority, and Secrecy”. Following the Conference’s theme of scandal, this panel discusses the scandal involved in the development of past societies. … Read more