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Erica BassErica Bass

Erica is a first-year student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is double majoring in Political Science and Dramatic Art. She is currently living in McLean, VA, although she grew up in both Singapore and Houston, TX. She hopes to eventually go to graduate school for Broadcast Journalism but in the meantime is enjoying her first tastes of college life- pandemic and all. To see Erica’s work in this course, click here.



Caroline Cochrane

Caroline Cochrane

Born and raised in Greensboro, NC, Caroline is a first-year student studying Biology at UNC-CH. She also works as a film/tv actress with Marilyn’s Talent agency. In her free time, she enjoys swimming, reading, and streaming tv series. She hopes to become a medical doctor or successful actress after graduating. To see Caroline’s work in this course, click here.



Archie DeesArchie Dees

Archie Dees is a first-year student from Salisbury, North Carolina, who plans on majoring in Journalism and Sport Administration. Archie’s interests include playing and watching sports, playing the guitar, and listening to music. He also worked as a football and basketball sideline reporter and radio broadcast producer during his senior year of high school. He plans on working for a sports broadcasting network or for an athletic department after graduation. To see Archie’s work in this course, click here.



Twumasi Duah-MensahTwumasi Duah-Mensah

Twumasi is a first-year undergraduate student from Wake Forest, North Carolina. He currently writes for UNC’s student-run newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel. As a person who was heavily involved with “trade not aid” nonprofit work in high school, Twumasi is very passionate about issues of economic and community development, especially in Africa, from where his parents emigrated. If he’s not obsessing over his favorite sports teams, you can find him voraciously reading the news or riding his bike around town. To see Twumasi’s work in this course, click here.



Will Fleischer

Will Fleischer

Will is a first-year undergraduate student studying computer science from Holly Springs, NC.  His interests include politics, listening to music, and engaging in internet culture.  He aims to become a software engineer where he hopes to combine his passions of programming and politics. To see Will’s work in this course, click here.



Shreyas GoturShreyas Gotur

Originally from Charlotte, NC, Shreyas is a first-year student studying English 105 under the instructor, Paul Blom. He also loves to spend his time studying mental illnesses and trying to better his community. In his free time, he enjoys hanging out with his friends, working out, and playing soccer. He hopes to eventually become a successful psychiatrist, and if that doesn’t work out, he hopes to become a quantitative analyst. To see Shreyas’s work in this course, click here.



Collin GravesCollin Graves

Originally from Timberlake, North Carolina, Collin Graves, is a freshman at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill majoring in Neuroscience on a Pre-Med track. With the ultimate goal to become an anesthesiologist, he is also passionate about the interworkings of consciousness and the vast implications of medicine within the public health field. While hoping to get involved in research labs at UNC, he enjoys traveling, watching any UNC sports game, and swimming. To see Collin’s work in this course, click here.



Sydney Hardee

Sydney Hardee

Sydney Hardee is a first year student from High Point, North Carolina. She is a media and journalism major who plans to focus on graphic design. Her eventual goals are to be a graphic artist and pursue a masters in psychology in order to also be a therapist. In her free time she enjoys sketching, performing, and playing with her puppy, Bug.To see Sydney’s work in this course, click here.



Emily Hassink

Emily Hassink

Emily is a first year student from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She is majoring in Biology, and is hoping to attend Veterinary School after her time at UNC. She’s looking forward to studying abroad during college, hopefully in Italy. In her free time, she enjoys playing lacrosse and spending time with her family and dogs. To see Emily’s work in this course, click here.



Annie Henegar

Annie Henegar

Originally from Greensboro NC, Annie is a Freshman at the University of North Carolina studying Global Studies and French. She enjoys sailing and swimming in her free time. She hopes to live in France after college and to study abroad one year in college. To see Annie’s work in this course, click here.



Chris Hewgley

Chris Hewgley

Originally from Greensboro, NC, Christopher Hewgley is a first year student studying environmental science. Christopher’s hobbies include skiing, spike ball, sailing and lacrosse. After school Chris plans to work on the creation and sale of improved renewable energies. To see Chris’s work in this course, click here.



Can Kilic

Can Kilic

Born and raised in Chapel Hill, NC, Can is a freshman at UNC-Chapel Hill studying Exercise and Sports Science on a pre-medicine track. His hobbies include running, wrestling, watching sports, and kayaking. He hopes to go to Med school and eventually become an Orthopedist. To see Can’s work in this course, click here.



Richard M. Max Mara

Richard M. Max Mara

Originally from Charlotte, NC, Max is a first-year undergraduate student studying Biology and Chemistry. He is also published in his high school’s NEHS Magazine. In his spare time, Max enjoys running, reading, and baking. He hopes to pursue higher education at UNC Medical School and eventually a career as a Cosmetic Surgeon. To see Max’s work in this course, click here.



Sneha PasupulaSneha Pasupula

Sneha is a first-year student from Raleigh, NC studying Political Science and Music. Her favorite genres of writing include argumentative essays and research papers about politics and true crime. Outside of writing, she marks herself as a “starving artist,” holding her love for music and dance close to her heart. In the future, she hopes to run for office and become a U.S. representative. To see Sneha’s work in this course, click here.



Campbell Patteson

Campbell Patteson

Campbell is a first year student from Denver, Colorado. She is majoring in Political Science at UNC Chapel Hill. During her free time, Campbell likes to ski, swim and dive, listen to music, engage in political discussions, and be social. To see Campbell’s work in this course, click here.




Carly Rauch

Carly Rauch

Originally from Matthews, NC, Carly Rauch is a first year Biomedical Engineering student. She currently serves as the Salvation Army North and South Carolina Youth of the Year. In her free time she enjoys playing with her puppies, hanging out with friends, doing calligraphy, and watching movies. Her goal is to one day receive a Doctorate in Physical Therapy and to own her own Physical Therapy practice. To see Carly’s work in this course, click here.


Drew SmithDrew Smith

Drew Smith is from Charlotte, North Carolina. Drew went to the largest high school in Charlotte called Myers Park High School. In middle and high school, he played club tennis but he also enjoys playing golf, basketball, and soccer for fun. Drew am a first year student at Chapel Hill and his major is currently undecided, however, he thinks he is headed in a communications major direction. To see Drew’s work in this course, click here.



Stuart Wanamaker

Stuart Wanamaker

Stuart is a first-year student from the coastal town of Savannah, Georgia. He is currently on the track to major in business. He loves to play all sports, go outside, and read books in his spare time. He is currently enrolled at the University of North Carolina is extremely excited to be there as it is his dream school. To see Stuart’s work in this course, click here.



Garrett White

Garrett White

Garrett is a first-year biology major from Rocky Mount, NC. Outside of the classroom, he enjoys running and playing soccer. He plans to continue his education after obtaining his undergraduate degree and pursue a career in the health sciences. To see Garrett’s work in this course, click here.